Book review: Wendy Kopp – A Chance to Make History

This incredibly inspiring book shows that in education, nothing is impossible. Wendy tells several success stories of “transformational” teachers, who, even in the most difficult environments, succeed to get ALL their kids to college.

My first reaction was shame that I have let myself think that the kids whom I don’t reach to are the problem. Who am I?! Procrustes? My job is to try to help ALL kids, whatever their defaults and qualities. If we could pick out just the ones that “want to learn”, then anyone could be a teacher. Unfortunately, I hear all the time from my colleagues that “if they don’t want to learn, it’s not your fault”. Whoever fault it is, our job as teachers is to have faith in ALL kids and constantly try and push the right buttons.

This doesn’t mean I should expect to succeed with all my kids. I should, however, never give up trying.

Realising that, has transformed me. I have come to think that this level of respect of the kids should be expected of ANY educator.

Wendy tells the story not only of transformational teachers, but of transformational schools. She analyses what kind of leader such schools need. A good leader is not an administrator sitting in an office doing paperwork, but a motivator who is setting goals for the teachers, evaluating how well they perform, and inspiring them to perform better. She has to follow teachers up, for example by observing them in the classroom or by having regular one-on-one meetings.

She should also know what it takes to be a transformational teacher. Wendy’s message all the way through the book is that it takes the same qualities to lead a transformational school as it takes to lead any kind of successful organisation.

Reading the book, I could feel that I was completely surrendering to Wendys argumentation and I disliked almost not finding any flaw in it.

One point where I’m not sure I follow her, is when she explains how it may be necessary to fire some teachers in order to create a transformational school. One of the things that struck me while reading the book, is the parallell between leading a class of kids and leading a group of teachers. Firing a teacher is then the equivalent of thinking that a kid is hopeless. I think it sets a bad precedence. I mind less that teachers choose themselves to quit, typically because the effort required to teach in a transformational school is too big.

My second critical point is that I miss directions for how to create a transformational school with teachers who have a life outside of their job. In Norway, this means working from 8 to 16. Is it realistic?

vake 2011

Vake 2011

Pictures from VAKE 2011 (Varanger Arctic Kite Enduro).

I’ve also created a short video.

Hervé Kempf sur Terre à Terre

Lien vers l’émission (22 janvier 2011)

Hervé Kempf s’entretient avec Ruth Stégassy au sujet de son livre à paraître : “L’oligarchie ça suffit, vive la démocratie” (Seuil, 2011)

Il parle de la forme de système politique le plus à même de nous
sortir de l’impasse écologique. Remet en question le postulat selon
lequel les pays pollueurs (également appelés industrialisés) sont
démocratiques. Observe que les frontières entre le pouvoir (médias
inclus) et les entreprises sont de plus en plus floues, d’où le terme
oligarchie. Explique le pouvoir des agences de notations avec
l’exemple du patron de l’une d’entre elles qui a exercé un chantage
sur le gouvernement français lors du débat sur le système de
retraites. Rappelle qu’elles considèrent purement l’aspect financier,
non l’aspect environnemental ou l’aspect humain. Rappelle également
que nous devons nous orienter vers une société moins matérialiste et
plus culturelle car la planète ne suffit plus à couvrir nos besoins.
J’avoue que ça peut par moments paraître limite conspirationnel, mais
pas au point de poser problème.

No heater in the boat... obviously :)

Tromsø-Hammerfest January 2011

Left Tromsø 27 January in a storm bad enough that the authorities were recommending people to not use their cars and the fishermen did not go out either that day or the next one.

The first day went very well. I was cruising along at over 7 knots and it did not take many hours before I was in Kvænangen. Then the wind stopped 🙁 Crossing Kvænangen in 4-m-high waves, by night, in snowy weather and with no sleep the night before was one of the most painful sailing moments in my life. I was falling asleep every other second and hallucinating. I stopped for the night in Seglvik, one of my favorite harbours on this route.

I started early the next day as the wind was forecast to stop within midday and I wanted to take advantage of it. I wasn’t prepared for such a tough ride from Seglvik to Brynilen, at which point I was finally able to use a small foresail and be pushed by the wind. The waves were easily 5 m high and the wind was around 20 m/s. The engine was barely powerful enough to move the boat forward. I experienced the strongest winds at the north end of Silda. The whole sea turned white and it gave a new meaning to the phrase “unleash hell”.

I spent the night in Hasvik. The next day, the temperature had fallen to -6 degrees Celsius and all the ropes were frozen stiff. Around Karken, I got the tunnel wind from Rognsundet at well above 15 m/s. Not the first time… Further north, it was much nicer and I got to take a couple of nice pictures of the mountains and the sun, which I saw for the first time this year 🙂

Unfortunately I did not have my waterproof camera box, so except for a couple of pictures, they are all taken on the last day, when the weather permitted.

Kiting i Reindalen

Snekiting i Hammerfest

I juleferien fikk jeg testet forskjellige steder.

Rundvatnet onsdag 29. desember 2010 på S retning og fredag 31. desember 2010 på V-S-V retning. Begge ganger var det stabile og gode forhold. Turen opp fra Tunnelbakken tar litt over en time på ski.

Storvatnet torsdag 30. desember 2010. Det var vind, men både av-og-på og litt ustabil. Tror ikke Storvatnet kan bli noe særlig bra.

Drikkevatnet søndag 2. desember 2010 på N-Ø retning. Fantastiske forhold! Holdt meg på høyde med busskuret. Drikkevatnet ligger på Prærien, langs Forsølveien på høyde med Repslagerveien.

Alpine configuration

Alpine is to email software what Emacs is to text-editing software. I love it.

First, create a collection list — I think you may skip this part if you’re using pop instead of imap:
Nickname: any nickname
If you’re not using ssl, write tls instead. You may not need to write a port number.
In my case, the username is my email address.
Exit the setup:

Enter password

Configure your account:
Fill out the following:
User Domain: the text behind @ in your email address
SMTP Server:
If you’re using pop, just remove imap/ from the text. Also read the comments above about the server address.
Inbox Path: {}inbox
Not sure if you need to fill that field out if you’re using pop.
Customized Headers (find this field with the WhereIs command (W)): From: Name <emailaddress>

Let alpine remember your password by typing this from your home folder:
touch .pine-passfile

Fransk-norsk matematikkordbok

additionner addere, legge sammen
aire areal
carré kvadrat (et)
chiffre siffer (et)
côté (d’un triangle quelconque) side
côté (d’un triangle rectangle) katet (en)
cube terning (en)
décimale desimal (en)
dénominateur nevner
dénominateur commun fellesnevner
exposant exponent
fraction brøk
hypothénuse hypotenus
indice indeks
logarithme en base 10 logaritme med grunntallet 10
losange rombe (en)
nombre tall
nombre premier primtall
nombre pair partall
nombre impair oddetall
numérateur teller
opération opération
parallélogramme parallellogram (et)
parallélépipède prisme (et)
périmètre omkrets
rectangle rektangel (et)
réduire (une fraction) forkorte (en brøk)
signe tegn
soustraire subtrahere, trekke fra
table de multiplication gangetabell
terme ledd
théorème setning (en)
triangle trekant (en)
triangle équilatéral likesidet trekant
triangle isocèle likebeint trekant
triangle rectangle rettvinklet trekant
valeur absolue absoluttverdi

Eben Moglen: on Facebook, personal servers and more

I came across a fantastic and entertaining talk by Eben Moglen. He is a Professor of Law and Legal History at Columbia University, and founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center. Apparently he started as a software engineer, which explains why he is so comfortable going into technical details of software and hardware.

He explains how Facebook is offering next to nothing in exchange of privacy and how he thinks everybody should have her own wall wart running a web server so that we keep our data to ourselves.