Number pages
Create a PDF that contains only page numbers. In numbers.tex:
\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{multido} \usepackage[hmargin=.8cm,vmargin=1.5cm,nohead,nofoot]{geometry} \begin{document} \multido{}{31}{\vphantom{x}\newpage} \end{document}
(where 31 is your total number of pages). Then create numbers.pdf
pdflatex numbers.tex
Finally, stamp your file with page numbers:
pdftk file.pdf multistamp numbers.pdf output single_document_numbered.pdf
Create bookmarks
Instructions for pdftk on Linux. May work on Windows.
Dump the metadata
pdftk input.pdf dump_data > metadata.txt
Write your bookmarks under the line starting with “NumberOfPages”:
BookmarkBegin BookmarkTitle: My bookmark BookmarkLevel: 1 BookmarkPageNumber: 34
Then update the metadata of the original file
pdftk input.pdf update_info_utf8 new_metadata.txt output temp.pdf
Finally, in order to avoid losing your zoom level whenever you click a bookmark
sed 's#/Fit#/XYZ#g' temp.pdf > output.pdf